Optical Disc Recording
How to write an image (ISO) file to optical disc (system-on-disc creation)
- Within GNU+Linux
- Using libburn via the command-line interface, with syntax:
- Using libburn via a graphical user interface, with right-click context menu within Rox-Filer file manager
- Within Microsoft Windows
- Use either one of these free software writer programs:
- Select a write speed that does not exceed 8x (so as to increase data recording accuracy)
How to run GNU+Linux from optical disc
- Perform the above procedure with the image (ISO) file of selected GNU+Linux distribution
- Ensure the optical disc is located inside its drive
- Ensure that the B.I.O.S. is configured to follow the correct boot sequence
- Shutdown the computer and ensure that the computer is switched off
- Switch/power on the computer
Setting the correct boot sequence
For a computer to boot from a device such as an optical disc or a flash memory drive the device must be read/accessed before any other connected device such as a H.D.D.; therefore when, for example, an optical disc is in the optical disc drive at boot up it will load Puppy Linux from that drive only, and no where else, if the computer has been configured specifically to do that. If the computer does not start/boot from the live D.V.D. it will be necessary to either access a boot menu or the B.I.O.S. so that the computer is instructed to boot from the optical disc drive and not any other drive; re-starting will be necessary in conjunction with using the correct key(s):
Uses for system-on-disc
- Computer system operation
- Diagnostics of any subsequently mounted partitions
- Assisted booting: being able to boot from a live D.V.D. when it is not possible to do so from some other storage device, e.g. a flash memory drive or hard disk drive; the computer boots from the bootloader on the optical disc but loads the operating system from the other, separate storage device.
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